Net zero carbon development evidence base
We are continuing to build an Essex wide evidence base, feeding into the development of a consistent, strong and robust planning policy. This is funded by the Essex Climate Action Commission and on behalf of the Essex Local Planning Authorities. Together, the evidence base and policy provides guidance for all new Essex developments which:
- deliver net zero carbon development in operation to align with our local and national climate targets
- minimise the embodied carbon emissions associated with material and construction processes of developments
The evidence base defines net zero carbon development in a way which:
- delivers net zero immediately
- aligns with local and national climate targets
- reflects the approach taken by leading industry-led initiatives and authorities in England
- addresses total energy use (known as regulated and unregulated)
- maximises renewable energy generation where possible
- matches annual energy use on-site where possible
Building to the recommended net zero carbon standard in Essex is shown in our evidence to be:
- technically feasible
- financially viable
- legally justified
Visit the Essex Design Guide website to read the full details and results of our studies, including:
- open legal advice about setting policy for net zero standards in new development
- Essex Net Zero Policy Study
- The Net Zero Carbon Viability and Toolkit Study