Financial support

Foster carers receive competitive rates with plenty of added benefits.

Fees for short term and long term fostering

Most full time foster carers are open to both short term and long term fostering. This means they look after a child for as long as required.

You can earn:

  • £220 (+ allowance) per week for a child aged 0 to 10 years
  • £270 (+ allowance) per week for a child aged 0 to 10 with complex needs, such as medical or mental health issues or behavioural difficulties
  • £270 (+allowance) per week for a child aged 11 to 18 years
  • £380 (+allowance) per week for a child of any age who cannot be placed with other children, or has had multiple unsuccessful placements, or requires their foster carer to be available during school hours, or is leaving residential care, or has a diagnosed disability but is not allocated within our Children with Disabilities (CWD) team.

Fees can be different for children with disabilities, emergency stay, and parent and child fostering.