If you are worried your child is being bullied, or you are being bullied yourself - there are lots of places to get help and advice.
Bullying at school
The National Bullying Helpline gives advice to parents and children on dealing with bullying at school.
Anti-bullying alliance offers support and advice on dealing with bullying.
GOV.UK has guidance on what to do in cases of bullying at school.
Teenage pregnancy
Get support and if you, your girlfriend or your child is pregnant.
Support for you
If you’ve found out you’re pregnant you may feel confused, scared and don’t know where to go for help. There’s lots of places to go for advice including:
- Marie Stopes provides online counselling and advice about pregnancy and sexual health
- Tommy's provides guidance on a healthy pregnancy
- NHS gives advice on teenage pregnancy
Parents and carers
If your child or a child in your care tells you that they or their girlfriend are pregnant, you may want to information or support from a professional. You should contact your GP for advice.
Study while pregnant
If you or your child is pregnant and still at school, you can access useful documents and supporting information on Essex Schools InfoLink to ensure you receive the education you are entitled to.
Drugs and substance abuse
Advice for parents
- Alcohol Issues has information on how alcoholism affects children
- Got a teenager gives advice on spotting the signs of drugs and alcohol dependency
Advice for young people
Talk to Frank offers information and advice on any drug or alcohol related issue.
NHS Smokefree gives advice on giving up smoking. Free helpline on 0800 022 4332.
Alateen gives advice for teenagers whose lives are affected by someone else’s alcohol problem, whether it is a family or a friend.
Childline gives help and advice to young people on a range of issues, including drugs and alcohol.
The Samaritans provide a 24 hour service for anyone who is worried or anxious and doesn’t know who to talk to.
Emotional wellbeing and mental health
The Children and young people's mental health services (CYPMHS) provides support for people under the age of 18.