How retrofit programme is unlocking new opportunities for a net-zero Essex

Two men working to fit some solar panels to a roof.

As Essex works towards reaching net zero by 2050, we know we must explore new opportunities to reduce carbon emissions across the county. Our innovative retrofit programme is a key component of this.   

Retrofitting is the process of upgrading existing buildings to make them more sustainable and energy efficient. This can be done by adding solar panels, heat pumps, improved insulation and other fixtures. Retrofitting can play an essential role in helping us meet our net-zero targets. It also offers huge potential for business development and job creation, both in Essex and across the country.  

Working with the Retrofit Academy CIC and Adult Community Learning (ACL Essex) we launched the Retrofit Academy: Essex. This is the first franchised retrofit training provider in the UK. The local academy has offered qualifications from Level 2 to 5. Since launching in 2021, almost 300 individuals have completed funded training. The training programme has also won several prestigious awards, including the ADEPT President’s Awards and Unlock Net Zero Live Awards.

Retrofit training is one key part of our efforts to create a greener workforce.

We caught up with two students from the Retrofit Academy: Essex to find out how the training has enhanced their skillset, boosted their confidence and offered new opportunities.

Connor O’Driscoll, Colchester

“I have been working in construction for my entire career. After sustaining an injury in 2021, I had to move away from working with tools, which left me questioning my future path.

“Retrofit offered me the chance to apply the skills and knowledge I had learned over the years, while removing the physicality of being onsite. It also offered me the chance to make an impact on our planet and help cut emissions.

“Thanks to my experience, I was able to jump straight in with a Level 3 qualification at the Retrofit Academy: Essex. After gaining valuable knowledge about the ‘fabric-first approach’ and energy consumption, I have recently started my Level 5.

“But that’s not all. As a result of these new qualifications, I have secured a job at Colchester Borough Homes. I was extremely excited to be offered the opportunity to play an integral role in making a difference to the city I grew up in. I can’t wait to get started.”

Stuart Sullivan, Uttlesford

“As part of my job hunt, the BEST Growth Hub connected me to tutors at ACL, who told me more about the Retrofit Advisor training. The rest is history, really.

“I’ve always been interested in improving homes, reducing running costs and making more comfortable places to live. I knew I could draw on those interests as part of the training.

“Tutors at ACL gave me the confidence I needed to enrol. Thanks to their knowledge and experience and a well-designed, easy-to-follow course, I have come away with new skills for further learning and a future career.

“The Level 2 course gave me the base knowledge I needed to start Level 3, which I’ve recently got underway with. Once completed, I plan to look for a position within the retrofit sector, which offers a huge spectrum of opportunities in construction and management roles.”

Find out more and enrol in retrofit training today.


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