Renew a Blue Badge

How to renew a Blue Badge


If your badge is due to expire, you will need to reapply for a new one.  You should do this at least 10 weeks before the expiry date.

You can only renew an existing Blue Badge using the short renewal application if:

  • your previous badge was awarded based on one of the automatic eligibility entitlements and you are still receiving the same benefit, or
  • when your previous badge was awarded it was decided that no further assessment was required

You will need to apply for a new badge using the full application if:

  • your benefit award has changed or been removed, or
  • if when your previous badge was awarded it was decided that a further assessment was required

Please note: if you try to use the short renewal application and your previous badge was not issued based on an automatic entitlement, or where no further assessment is required, the system will advise you to reapply and you cannot submit a short renewal application.